City Sofia
St. Constantine and Helena Hospital Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgaria no 104, tel. 02/818 4600, kinheads, therapeutic salon.
Sbaltosm Prof. Dr. Dimitar Shoylev, Obzor Sofia, ul. Nikola Gabrovo No1, Tel. 02/9620453, Mobile 0888 050 205, Kinesi-Therapeutic Salon
Salon for Cosmetic procedures BEAUTY expert, Obzor Sofia, Sq. m. Geo Milev str. 23 Simeonov century, Shop 3, Tel. 02 877 00 15, 0898 730 196, 0894 360 441, 0878 697 441
Cosmetic Products Pro-professional cosmetics and equipment, Gr. Sofia, ul. Deyan Beliashki 62, sq. m. Gotse Delchev, Presentation Hall, T: 0895 669699
Studio “Julia”, Obzor Sofia, Mladost-4, ul. Al. Paskalev, Bit-Combined, FL. 2 (against Fantastico store), T.: 0878831975
NATIONAL SPECIALIZED Hospital FOR PHYSICAL Therapy AND Rehabilitation, town of Sofia, Bul. 2c Ovcha Kupel, tel. 02/9555273, 02/8555022, 02/8555026, fax: 02/8553023, e-mail:
Medical Center “Oxsiliff-Sofia” – Town of Varna Sofia, Manastirski Livadi B 65, tel. 02/494 0800, email
Massage STUDIO d&k Angels -Gr. Sofia, ul. “Georgi Danchov-Zographe” No1, tel. 089 612 6090, Email:
Vitayana Holistic Lifestyle & Yoga Studio – Obzor Sofia, Mladost 2, ul. St. Cyprian, Bl. 281, VC, 2; Phone: + 359899929696
City Varna
Center for Health and Beauty “Cleopatra”, Obzor Varna, ul. 21 Dimitar Ikonomov, T.: 0887 040111
City Velingrad
Park Hotel Olymp * * * *, 4600 Velingrad, ul. Tsar Samuil Str. No. 1A, T: + 359/359 5 61 00, + 359/887 33 68 63, E-mail:, SPA Center
City Plovdiv
Skis “NEMMEZYES”, Obzor Plovdiv, ul. 15 “Gladston”, House of Culture “Boris Hristov”, cinema; Tel.: 0 879462739
City Targovishte
Beauty Studio “NIKOL”, Obzor Targovishte, ul. No4 “Bishop Sophrononius”, T: 0896 721848, E-mail:
City Bansko
Health & Beauty Zone by M.K., Obzor Bansko, ul. 4 Skopje, Tel. 0883 760 066 – Magdalena Kaloyanova, e-mail: